
Epic Power
Epic Power 100
Epic Empowerment

EPIC prides itself on offering clean and economical energy at affordable rates comparable to Southern California Edison (SCE). If you would like to opt-out of EPIC and remain with SCE, you may do so quickly and easily.


How it works

Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice

Palmdale is committed to providing clean energy at affordable rates.  In partnership with Southern California Edison (SCE), EPIC buys sustainable and fiscally responsible energy on behalf of our customers.  This energy goes into the electric grid.  SCE will continue to deliver the electricity, maintain power lines, handle customer billing, respond to new service requests and emergencies, as they always have.

EPIC charges for electricity generation (Energy Supply) and SCE charges for delivery of the energy (Energy Transmission and Delivery).  Both charges will be included in one bill sent by Edison.  Revenues from the CCA program are re-invested into the local community, rather than going to utility company shareholders.  This means competitive rates, local jobs, and community projects and programs. This keeps your energy dollars local – By Palmdale, for Palmdale.

EPIC in the Media