How do I know when my service begins?

Enrollment for all residential accounts citywide will begin on October 1st, 2022. You will receive four notices via mail informing you of your enrollment date and other details about commercial accounts, with one notice each month in August, September, November, and December 2022. Enrollment for commercial accounts will begin March 1, 2023, and will receive


Why is Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice enrollment automatic and must I opt out to stay with Southern California Edison?

For decades, Southern California Edison has been the default power provider in our region, with little or no alternative for most customers. In an effort to even the playing field and enable CCAs to launch and provide consumers with other choices, part of California’s CCA law requires Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice to operate as


Why was I enrolled into Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice?

EPIC prides itself on offering cleaner, greener energy at affordable rates comparable to Southern California Edison. Historically, Southern California Edison has been the default power provider to most customers. However, in 2002 when state legislators passed California’s Community Choice Aggregation law, this default status was transferred from Southern California Edison to local community choice programs


Does Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice offer a net energy metering program for qualified solar electric and other distributed generation systems?

Yes. Through Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice (EPIC’s) net energy metering program, called “EPIC Empowerment,” customers with net energy metering systems have the opportunity to receive credits for future energy service and even receive cash back when their systems produce excess energy. As part of EPIC Empowerment, your system’s energy production will be monitored on


How can I be sure Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice is offering clean energy at the lowest possible rates or procuring 100% renewable energy on my behalf?

We are required to report to the California Public Utilities Commission and California Energy Commission on an annual basis to verify the amount of renewable energy procured for our customers. This is the same standard used by other California utilities, such as Southern California Edison, for verification purposes.


How much clean energy does EPIC provide?

Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice’s standard product, “EPIC Power,” offers clean energy at the lowest possible rates, and meets or exceeds state mandates for renewable energy sourced power. Upon the start of service, all customers are automatically enrolled in EPIC Power. Customers also could choose to opt up to “EPIC Power100,” which is 100% renewable


What is EPIC Power100?

At Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice, we pride ourselves on giving our customers the power to choose. Our standard product, EPIC Power, offers clean energy at the lowest possible rates, and meets or exceeds state mandates for renewable energy sourced power. Alternatively, EPIC Power100 gives customers an opportunity to opt up to 100% carbon-free energy

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